Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Paragraph Example: Good writers don't just give example to prove their ideas--they use connectors to link their examples back to their idea


                "The day I had received my new name, I had no idea how many tress there were, and how much there was to see behind each of them,"means that there is so much more to people than we thinkFor example, if you see a new student at school don't just say they are weird.  You should get a chance to know them better.  It's important to not just see them on the outside but get to more of who they are Another example of how there is much more to people than we think is when my brother went to bat and he struck out.  He thought we was a bad hitter but then the next time he hit a home-run.  We need to think that we are more than just one way.  If something is hard the first time it doesn't mean it's going to be hard the next time.  Similarly, if you don't like an activity you should be open minded and try to see what is more to that activity.  There could be more to something than what you can see at firstFinally, if you look at an old person and you think they can't do anything, you should talk to them.  They will probably tell you stories of their really amazing life.  Look beneath the surface to see what people are really like.